Beta v0.1: Let's hit the streets to see if people will crowdfund this platform to be freely accessible for everyone
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The easiest way to help Bali to solve any problem is
to practice the power of community.
Bali has touched many souls,
thus it'll be an easy task to call them out to return the favour.
This platform is designed for that reason.
With the help of our FREE website, everyone can be nano-influencers
by making their "Eat, Play, Love" list shareable
It is the community to help others to uncover Bali's secrets
Soon, we are going to make those people found HERE.
Search in Bali
For Your Bali
Our smart Bali guide recommends based on the followings:
This is where you can help us
This platform does not run for free, but we are trying to be accessible for everyone

"Free from ads"
It's going to save you a big time from switching media platforms to find out about what the place looks like, how others say about this place or perhaps their menu/pricing as well.
This subscription fee is valid for a whole year of 2025

Ilona, our mom & her local Bali team can help you to navigate Bali better
With a monthly subscription, you can ask anything about Bali. If they don't have the answer, they will pick up the phone to find out anything they can.
In other words, you will have a local friends in Bali to make your Bali trip safe & comfortable

"Just Show Up ✔️"
Like the name states, you just need to show up
This virtual assistant service is to look after the bookings and the time required to communicate with the vendors or the places
It's perfect for a wedding or a family reunion event
What you see above is a video advertisement
That's how we can keep this platform accessible for everyone